a day to appreciate them

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Yes, the dreaded Valentine’s day is tomorrow and to be honest I feel sorry for most men. I see the sheer panic in their eyes and the anxiety that comes over them as the day approaches. I think it’s too much. It’s that very reason that for most of our relationship I ask that Richie not participate in it. No flowers, no candy, (maybe a card if you just feel like it) but otherwise…. lets not go there. It works out great for us but in many ways I think the day can be fun and stress free. It can be a day to tell someone, who may not know, how much you appreciate them. So I decided to make something for the people I spend 40 hours a week with.  I try not to get too personal on this blog but really that seems impossible when you’ve opened up your entire home to the world. It’s just going to happen. So bare with me.

My job is insanely cool and fun. I have days where I think “they actually pay me to do this”. (laughing) Sometimes it’s “a job” but most of the time it’s awesome! The people you work with sometimes get on your nerves… but you love them anyway. I guess that’s like any family. I certainly appreciate each and every one of them for allowing me to be independent, creative, “bossy”, foul-mouthed, and silly. They accept me as I am and they appreciate all I have to offer. So this Valentine’s Day I wanted to let them know that I love being there and working with them is a real “treat”.

I got some black and white paper with hearts on it, created pillow boxes and individual gift tags with radio’s on them,  and tied the boxes with pink ribbon. I made home made cookies and put little hearts and cookies in each box. It was fun and it got me away from the house renovation… which I desperately needed. They turned out cute and I know everyone will enjoy the treats. So yes, I love my husband… and I appreciate him every day, but I also love so many other people in my life that maybe I don’t tell often enough.

Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be stressful or expensive. Pillow boxes are so easy to make for any occasion. The trick to get crisp folds is to score the dotted lines with an x-acto blade. Just press lightly and don’t cut all the way through. Feel free to use the template I use. Click Here

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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2 thoughts on “a day to appreciate them

  1. Rebecca Woodland

    Loved your cute office Valentine’s day gifts. I wish I was so crafty. Alas, I’m not. My skills are found in other areas. But I truly appreciate your sharing all these type of things in your posts which lets me live vicariously thru you in the make-it, arts & crafts and do it yourself arenas.
    …Now how do i get to be on your Valentine’s list next year? ha, ha. just kidding. :-)

    1. agoodehouse Post author

      You’re officially ON THE LIST!… cuz you’re way too sweet for indulging me. And anyone who appreciates the silly crap I do, is going to get some silly crap from me! (laughing) I use to make stuff all the time and since we bought the house everything came to a screeching halt. I decided to make more time for it because I really missed it… and then I realized that I’m so old now… that I can’t see what I’m doing. I think it’s time for glasses (past time). Thanks Rebecca. I love that you check on us.

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