painted rocks

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I had a choice last night…..  I could sit in front of the TV and hunt alligators with my husband, (yes, he thinks he could be a “swamp person”), or I could do something creative and fun with my time. I decided that listening to music and painting would be a much better choice for me. So I did some necessary painting and some “not so necessary” painting. I bet you can guess which one I liked most!

I put my second coat of white paint on one side of the closet shelves so they’ll get good and dry overnight and I can start on the other sides. (more progress!) Then I went into the bathroom and grabbed some rocks. Okay, that seems confusing doesn’t it. Well, we have this really cool concrete counter in the guest bathroom that a friend made for us and the sink is molded into the counter like a ramp at the end. It’s a one of a kind combo and I put these dark gray beach rocks at the end of the drain for interest. It’s fun to watch the water go down the ramp and over the rocks. I know, I know, I need to watch more TV. Anyway I’ve been wanting to paint on rocks from many weeks now so I grabbed them out of the sink and found the smallest brush we had and tried it out.

Turns out I definitely need glasses (like yesterday) and painting with a brush on rocks is not as easy as I thought it would be. I have some nice white ones I’m going to also do so I think I’ll get a micro point pen and paint on those. I really wanted to achieve a much finer line so more of the rock would show but my shaky hand, bad eyes, and too big of a brush kept me from it. But man it was fun! If I had 20 rocks in front of me I bet I would have painted them all. I’ll save some for the next alligator hunt!

Here they are back at the end of the sink. I’m not sure if I’ll leave them there or just maybe place them on the counter or in a bowl. I think they’re pretty.  The gray rocks match the imperfections in the colored concrete.

I’m definitely not a painter or an artist but this kind of “doodling” was a good time!
It was like being at summer camp for grown-ups.

And yes, I think your life is better when you “enjoy the little things”. Whatever they are.

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