Blog Love and other chatter

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Here I am again… almost an entire week has gone by without a post. I’m really getting crappy at this blogging thing!

I guess I should just get this over with right now and address the whole “Freshly Pressed” incident. I didn’t want to even bring it up but if you’ve visited my blog in the last week you may have thought WTF! At first I thought Word Press had really screwed up some code because I had too many visitors in a matter of minutes. No offense Word Press.. we all love you, but you do screw things up! Half of the blogs I follow don’t show up in my reader and a couple of weeks ago I was getting “likes” from someone else’s blog.  I was like… hummm… when did I write a post about the oil industry? I actually probably could, but.. really? So whoever wrote the post apparently is writing a kick-ass blog because it was their 5millionth like or something. So you see… I could have thought that about my own. Turns out it wasn’t a mistake and there I was Freshly Pressed. I have no idea how they choose these things… but clearly they had a few drinks at lunch and were feeling a little tipsy.  But I’m happy they were drunk and picked me. Thanks lushes!

It was a fun couple of days and I met some really cool folks who are now followers…so thank you to the many new friends who have signed up for my nonsense. I’m happy you’re here and I will do my best to give you the attention you deserve! I do a blog for me… but I continue to blog for the wonderful connections and friends that have come from it. You people are so much fun!

I also picked up a few new “awards” or “BLOG LOVE” as we all call it, and I’m always pleased when that happens.

Thanks to Genie at Genie Speaks and the folks at The Home Tome for the Sunshine and Lovely Blog awards. In the past I also received from Danielle at Storypiece, Lindsey at Arkadian Belle Woods, and Meghan at Ratnam Residence for Leibster Blog and Versatile Blogger. All friends that I just adore and love following.
So why am I just brining all this up now? Well, it just feels like the right time and I need to chatter a little about this whole award thing.
Before I tear into it though I have to tell you ladies that I think you’re awesome and I can’t thank you enough for including me on your lists, so don’t take this personal because it is only my point of view. It does NOT negate your giving.

I have mixed feelings about things like this because after a year of blogging I have the greatest respect for people who do it.  I don’t care if you write a blog about your toe jam or your desire to eat cupcakes all day. (that’s actually one of mine too).  But seriously, it takes a lot of guts, time, creative energy, thought, and consistency to do a blog.  You decide your content, take your pictures, size them, load them, come up with fantastic writing and stories, you showcase your talents and talk about your families.  You let us in on the ins and outs and ups and downs of your lives and the challenges you take head on!  It’s freggin’ awesome what you do.  And some of you do it 2-3 times a week.  Putting yourself out there for the world to see makes you really something in my eyes… so how do you reward one … and not another.  AND that’s my beef!  Maybe it’s just a matter of rewording.  I think the idea of telling bloggers about other bloggers is wonderful.  I also enjoy learning new things about other people.   I guess it’s just the “award” thing.  Maybe it should be blogger “tag” or something.  You know, “tag, you’re it”!  Now share all the blogs you know about so we can all enjoy.  Okay, I could live with that.  I think of a blog as art.  So how do you judge art?  How is one piece of art better than another.  It isn’t really.  So I love this “idea” but I have to break the rules here and say thank you for this… but my blog is no better or more deserving than any one else’s!

But it IS fun to share and learn about others so I’ll partake in that part for shits and giggles.
I particularly enjoyed the questions offered up by the Home Tome.  So I’ll answer those now.

1. Hire it out or do-it-yourself?
A no-brainer.  DO IT MYSELF!  I’ll attempt anything… except roofing!

2. Favorite decorative pattern: i.e. polka dots, stripes, tweed, tie-dye, chevron?
Don’t hate me…. but I don’t like many patterns.  Well, okay I just lied.  Apparently I am a liar who like stripes and strange modern shapes… like swirls or circles or very abstract things. But I’m a solid girl.

3. Do you have a good rodent or insect story?
When we first got our house it was infested with wood bees.  They were everywhere and drilling holes in all the porches and walkways to the house.  It looked like swiss cheese.  We never could get to them (they were very sneaky and fast).  So we would wait until night time and go out on “special ops” missions with flashlights to the front of the house and very quietly listen for them chewing up the house.  yes, you can hear them chewing!  Once we located the sound we would stick wasp spray into the hole and fill it with foam. Within a few minutes they would just fall out of the hole on to the ground and I would smash them.
We did this for almost 2 weeks every night.  Sometimes the next morning we would find 10 or 20 or them on the ground.  I’m not a killer of anything… but they were literally about to take the house down.  It was something I’ll never forget because Richie and I were outside with flashlights, killing bugs, laughing and acting so silly. It is fun to think back and remember some of that crazy shit!

4. “Vase” or “vahhze”?
 Definitely vase.

5. What is on your coffee table right now?
I don’t have a coffee table… but if I did… my aching feet!

6. Have you ever injured/wounded yourself while undertaking a home improvement project? (Note that even washing dishes qualifies as home improvement, and we all know this can be extremely dangerous…)
Oh, absolutely.  We joke and thank God that we are not seriously injured. (as in HOSPITAL!)  Many cuts, bruises, burns, and once put my back out so bad I had to stay in bed for TEN days.  I  try to be very careful these days because we still have a long way to go!

7. Do you have a green thumb? i.e. can you keep plants alive? (Alternatively: are you the Incredible Hulk?) (Alternatively: did you get your thumb tatooed green?)
I think we all know the answer to this one.  I am, most definitely, a plant freak who has no trouble keeping plants alive.   I would also like to be the incredible hulk if I could.  (with a shirt on!)

8. Do you eat dinner in the kitchen or on the couch?
We eat dinner at the table every night.  It’s our time to talk and catch up.  Of course if “Pawn Stars” is on my husband must have the TV on while we eat.

9. Do you make your bed every day or do you choose to spend your time more productively?
I choose to spend my time more productively… but I still do it.  That is if the cat isn’t already snuggled in.  I hate to make her get up.  :-)

10. If you had a show on HGTV, what would the premise be?
How long something will actually take you!!!  Okay, that show would probably suck but it would be the truth.  HGTV is bad!  (but so good!)  My husband bans it from the house… it gives me too many ideas that he might have to implement. HA!

11. If you won the lottery, what’s the first change you’d make to your house or apartment?
All new energy efficient windows!  And that might take all of my winnings!

That was fun.  Thanks Home Tome!

The rest of the rules are you have to award other bloggers.  But obviously after my long rant I just can’t do that.  Again, how do you judge art.? Everyone has something special to share and they’re all worth a gold statue.  So in the next few weeks I will dedicate a page to the many bloggers that have given me so much inspiration in hopes that others will find and enjoy them too.  After all, the sharing of blogs is the part I will gladly embrace!

So no matter what you blog about… you’re already a winner in my book!  Thanks for all you do… I’ve learned so much, laughed a ton, and made some really wonderful connections.
Welcome new followers… I cuss like a sailor and we are very slow home renovators…. so  get ready for all kinds of OTHER crap, but always know that I’m having fun!  Hope you do too.


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44 thoughts on “Blog Love and other chatter

  1. ScrapAndSalvage

    how awesome is that?!??! and i think that’s hysterical that at first you thought it was a mistake. i mean, one would, but i can only imagine your frustration and confusion. congratulations!!!!!!! and thanks for remembering us as you climb the number-of-views ladder. i feel like we should celebrate (well, i do have an after work margarita. i’ll toast ya)…L’CHAIM, STACY!. PS most definitely “vase” ;)

    1. Stacey Post author

      I won’t say it wasn’t fun… but I hope it doesn’t happen again. HA HA! Over 7,000 visits in two days is NOT for me.
      Lets celebrate getting back to our regular stuff – like laughing about babies on your toilet and maxi-pad dispensers…. vintage chairs and umbrella skirts! Now we’re talkin’.
      mmmmm, a margarita sounds delish! I’d drink one out of a “vase” right now!
      Love ya… you’re too fun. Thanks for this.

      1. ScrapAndSalvage

        not to mention creepy dolls and murals we don’t blog about!! ;) love you, too. this is just something else we can laugh about and celebrate. can’t wait to read what you post next (as always).

        1. Stacey Post author

          ooooooooo, you got me good!!! I can’t get my shit together, can I? That damn mural! It’s hanging over my head and I will, I will! Too many things happen and then it gets pushed down the list.
          Hope you’re making progress on your chair… looking forward to that, as well. Damn, we need to start a blog or something – with all we’ve got going on!

  2. Cathy (InspiredDesign)

    This is so fantastic! I had no idea you were in the middle of all this fun! I almost broke my kindle trying to determine if you responded to all 115 comments. And of course you did!! That’s why you’re so loved. On top of the design talent, the photography skills (um…it’s more than your camera lady), your liberal use of the phrase “shits and giggles”, you’re so generous with your time and attention to fellow bloggers. You deserve each award and all the great attention! Congrats!!

    1. Stacey Post author

      HA HA! I guess I do say that a lot, don’t I? My parents always used that phrase when I was growing up and I must use it more than I think. Sometimes it just seems appropriate. Even out of the bathroom!
      Thanks Cathy… your comment means so much to me and most of the people who visited will never stop by again… It’s people like you that matter to me! When I find people and things I like.. I’m devoted. And dang-it, we have fun, don’t we!

    1. Stacey Post author

      You’re so sweet. Thank you! But we need to talk about those yellow knives you have. OMG, I want them. I need to hop over to your place to write you a comment. They are so fine.
      P.S. Teach me how to use Op-Shop. (in a sentence) I need to know!!! Love that.

  3. Modern Funk

    Scooter survived his first day…might have to get him a sister or something. No coffee table…wtf? With all your glorious mid-century home treasures? You need to make a shopping list, my dear.

    1. Stacey Post author

      Scooter kept me company all day at work. He is so pretty… stayed on the front of my phone! A sister would be very nice. It’s addicting.
      Actually we were sort of making a shopping list at dinner tonight. We are on the hunt for a George Nelson dresser. It’s ON! We do have one rolling coffee table but it’s in a part of the room that I never use… so I forget about it. It has some great art books and a Blenko vase on it. The other room doesn’t have one because Richie won’t actually USE our furniture. He just wants to lay on the floor… so a table “gets in his way”. (eye -roll)
      I need to be shopping for some of that cool stuff you recently posted. Love that bench at the end of the bed. I need a bigger house!!!! What’s on your coffee table? :-)

      1. Modern Funk

        Jane Goodall book with a personal note to us inside, my husband’s laptop (can’t get him to put it back in the office after using), a wire mesh container with too many remote controls and a stack of modern aluminum coasters. :-)

        1. Stacey Post author

          Seriously! Jane Goodall singed and wrote you a message!!! That is awesome. I MUST hear that story. Now don’t monkey around with me…. give me all the details!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Hey Amber! Thank you so much. I felt like I’d been neglecting my blog and then bam, that happened, so it was a complete and total surprise. So maybe neglecting your blog gets you pressed? HA HA HA! I still think they were just drunk! It was a strange couple of days. :-) Thanks for the comment!

  4. PDustin

    You will get no congrats from me. You totally blabbed my “toe jam ” idea that I was working on for months and months to the whole freaking internet! Now whats the point of starting THAT blog!? NONE. Ugh! I’m ruined Stacey! Ruined I say! ;)

    1. Stacey Post author

      AHHHHH, I’m doubled over…. make it stop! I’m laughing so hard my back hurts!
      I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it slipped… I totally forgot YOU were working so hard on that. How about belly button goo… that’s another route you could go! Please, Please forgive me! You’re not ruined! I have the answer. MID CENTURY COOLNESS!
      You’re the king of that. It could work I tell you… it could work!
      OMG, thank you for that. I have laughed my ass off tonight. Oh crap you’re great! Thank you, my friend. I like your style.

  5. younganddomestic

    I saw you on freshly pressed as was SO EXCITED!! I was all like, “I know her! I know her!” in my best Will Farrell Elf impression. I have no idea how they go about picking blogs, but very cool! Happy for you :)

    1. Stacey Post author

      HA HA! I love him in that!! I’m picturing you now. :) Thank you for knowing me. It’s such a pleasure to know YOU! And it’s wonderful when people can get excited about good stuff that happens… it certainly makes it more fun. Thank you for that. I’m telling you… I think they have a few cocktails and pick stuff random names out of a hat. It’s a big party at the Word Press offices! HA HA!

  6. NookAndSea

    Yay for awards! Go you. Your story about the wood bees cracked me up – I could totally picture you outside with a flashlight at night going crazy. I have never heard of them! (But now I’ve got my eyes open) :)

    My husband and I cut out cable right before we got married, and it’s been such a blessing (minus the whole, no HGTV part). So sad. Congrats on your Freshly Pressed-ness! That is really cool. I’ve always wondered how they get on there :)

    Have a nice week,

    Nook & Sea

    1. Stacey Post author

      Thanks Kristina! Man those bees were crazy! I’ve never seen anything like it and they buzz through the wood like a chain saw. We still laugh about our bee killing techniques. I will never forget it. Good times!
      It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when you’re not glued to the TV, huh? Of course I’m just as bad on the computer (obviously :-) Oops.
      Thanks for the sweet words. Love it when you visit!!!

  7. Storypiece

    You, my friend, are a total Rock Star and it was so fun to see you featured. But just so we’re clear… the minute you call it a vahhze, I’m SO outta here. :) Congrats!!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Ha Ha!! Danielle, the minute I say vahhze or utter any word with such an air I would expect everyone to run like hell! That might mean aliens had taken over or one of the Beverly Hills housewives was trying to move in and I wouldn’t want you around for either of those! ( lol )
      You’re way to hip for that!
      And just so you know… You’ll be one of the first awesome bloggers on my list. Thanks for everything. (hugs)

  8. Heather

    Congrats! Very exciting, I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing any new photos. Your answer to #10 made me laugh, between HGTV and reading blogs/apartment therapy I’m pretty sure my husband is ready to disconnect everything! haha

    1. Stacey Post author

      I hear you, Heather. My husband sat me down this morning to “have the talk”. Stacey, he says… you must quit living in a dream world… we have work to do.. GET OFF THE INTERNET! (laughing) Or at least it sounded something like that. I can’t help it… blogging is way more fun than sheetrock mud all over your face! Thanks for being here.

  9. Victoria Elizabeth Barnes

    It’s a good thing they don’t warn you you’re going to be on Freshly Pressed! Can you imagine the paralyzing fear you would have? Trying to decide what post to write to present your blog to the avalanche of new readers?

    1. Stacey Post author

      OMG… again with needing medication! I’d have to just shut the whole thing down. It’s like my job…. I hate taping things for “on the air”. Being “LIVE” is better – it means every stupid thing you say goes out there and there’s no taking it back… its a done deal. So yes, don’t ever tell me or I will run for the hills!

  10. Meghan

    Great post :) I want to eat dinner at the dining room table, but after both of us working a long day and getting Avery taken care of, the time we have to eat we join with our down time of watching 30-40 minutes of a dvr’d tv show. When Avery gets older we’ll eat family dinner every night. But until then, I’ll enjoy my feet up on the coffee table while I eat!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Oh no, I totally get it! There’s nothing wrong with that! Especially with a little “Yoda” on your hands. :-) At that age it’s important you go with the flow. May the force be with you!!
      Seriously, I imagine when he gets older there will be plenty of family dinners at the table. I do think when kids are old enough to take part in that it’s really important for the family to dine together. My mom wouldn’t allow us to eat anywhere but the table. It must just be a habit that carried over in my adult life. But she didn’t have a full-time job outside the home like you and so many others do. You have to find ways to squeeze it all in. Times… they are a changin’!
      Thanks Meghan.

  11. the home tome

    ha ha! Thanks for playing! Love your answers – the Killer, I mean… Wood Bees tale is great – soundtrack: Mission Impossible theme.

    Our coffee table is off to the side, beside the couch, as an end table.

    Yup, we dropped HGTV cold turkey for a while, I think it lasted about 6 months, but we’re back on again – and Pawn Stars gets recorded (I think we have like 50 episodes to watch!)

    It is evident that you do have a green thumb – I think that could be your HGTV show – maybe you could host it in an Incredible Hulk costume? :)


    1. Stacey Post author

      Oh man, you’re too funny!! That mission impossible song is playing in my head with memories of our bee killing operation.
      It’s funny to think of it that way but seriously… it was our Mission Impossible… but we chose to take it! I’ve never told that story until this post. Thanks for pulling that out of me. It was fun to remember!

      OMG, my husband is obsessed with Pawn Stars, Swamp People, Deadly Catch and American Pickers. The history channel has taken over our house… and in some ways it’s worse than the bees!

      Okay I do believe you’re on to something… The incredible hulk tip-toeing through the tulip garden. I think I’d have to watch that mess!

      Thanks again for the fun. Your questions were awesome.. and so are you. :-)

  12. kibster

    I love this post! Oh, and I forgot to congratulate you before on being freshly pressed. You definitely deserved it- your blog is beautiful and your writing is captivating and honest. I think those are just a couple of reasons why people are drawn to it. It also doesn’t hurt that you’re just a really cool person who takes the time to give input. That’s huge! :)

    1. Stacey Post author

      Oh Kim… you are the coolest chick ever! And you actually DID congratulate me, which made me smile from ear to ear. Thank you for that.
      I signed up for Instagram and followed you the other night. I still haven’t uploaded any pictures… I need to work on that. I saw the picture of your new light and it’s awesome! I’m glad I’m following because you have all kinds of little secrets tucked away in those photos. I love the sneak peeks! Only bad thing is that phone does everything and it keeps me up until 1:00 in the morning playing with it. BAD iPHONE! BAD! ha ha.
      Thank you for the visit today. It wouldn’t be the same without you.

  13. Lindsey

    haha… are funny! Apparently….we’re a lot alike. I knew this already but the more I read the more I see how much we have in common :-)

    1. Stacey Post author

      Well, I’ll take that as a compliment! Cuz you’re great Lindsey.. and always so sweet. Thanks for always keeping up with me and making blogging fun!

      1. Lindsey

        seriously….you always make me smile! For real you are so awesome and I’m totally flattered by all of your amazingly kind words – I’m so happy to get to know so many wonderful people through blogging and you are hands down one of the very best!

  14. northofseven

    Bees?!! oh God, I’m so allergic I’d be sleeping in a tent somewhere else. No wait that makes no sense. I totally missed the freshley pressed, Congrats! And yes blogging is an insane amount of work. Fun work, but still a lot more than people realize. Until they start a blog. So take a bow!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Hey, I’m not fond either. YIKES! I can deal with bumble or honey bees but bees that eat your house up takes it to a whole new level. It definitely brought out the Rambo in me and I had to take them down. HA HA! If I hadn’t I’d definitely be sleeping in a tent! (lol) Blogging is fun but you’re right… lots of work. If you’re not really enjoying it I could see how people fizzle out. So far I’m loving it and that is in part to bloggers like you… open, encouraging, and a hell of a lot of fun. Thanks!

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