How does your garden grow?

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Ours seems to be kickin’ it! We planted our tomatoes a couple of weeks ago and they’re really showing off. I forgot to take a picture when we planted them but they were about an inch and a half tall. The grape tomatoes seem to have super powers. They’re the biggest and already have little ‘maters on them. I love having a big bowl of grape tomatoes on the counter for snacks in the summer time. DELICIOUS!

Tomato Garden

We have always planted a garden and we love the idea of walking out and picking fresh food right outside our door… but really we love watching them grow, produce, and then sharing with all of our friends and family. That’s the best part.

Tomato Garden 2012

Richie is old school… as you can see. No fancy schmancy tomato cages for him …. it’s wood stakes pounded in the ground… just like his father did it. (awww, how sweet!) He’s already having to stake those little grape plants.

I can only hope this years garden is as good as last. Check out those delicious slices from last year. I can almost taste them. You can see last years garden post HERE.
Do you plant a vegetable garden? What do you grow?

TGIF – Have a great weekend.

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6 thoughts on “How does your garden grow?

  1. Polly Johnson

    There is NOTHING like a homegrown tomato, eaten while it is still slightly warm from the sunshine in the garden. I love bad old white bread, a generous swath of real mayo, and homegrown tomatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper , for a tasty lunch treat.

    I am growing arugula right now in a little planter box on my condo porch. I have grown tomatoes in Grow Box. One day I passed the first bumper crop on my out to work decided that I would harvest them after work. It was dark when I arrived home and I could not see all the nice red tomatoes vey well. Ooops

    1. Polly Johnson

      Cont’d—- they weren’t there. They had been stolen! My boyfriend wanted to call HPD to report the theft!

      Luckily, after a few days there were more red tomatoes for salads, sandwiches , and even some yummy tomato- basil sauce. All from a Grow Box on a tiny porch!!

    2. agoodehouse Post author

      Ooooo, I love arugula, Polly! During the summer there’s tomatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper at every meal. And those BLT’s are heavenly. Homemade hot sauce! Oh crap, I’m getting hungry.

      1. agoodehouse Post author

        HA HA HA! I just got the cont’d part. HILARIOUS! Stolen tomatoes are a serious offense. I can just imagine that call to the police. I’m always happy if I can keep the birds and squirrels from stealing them.

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