The Rolling Stones were half right

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Turns out the Rolling Stones were half right… You CAN get what you need but you CAN also get WHAT YOU WANT! The kitchen is progressing and I can’t believe how beautiful everything is going. Not just the cabinets, but the entire experience. I definitely hired the best person for my cabinets and can’t express my gratitude to him for all he’s done. Of course, that big fat check might help. (laughing) But seriously, it’s almost like you can’t put a price on something like that. It means so much and will change my life every single day from here on out. Kitchens are the heart of the home and even though my kitchen is just about 3 feet wide it seems to be the place that everyone hangs out. (Typical in every home, really).

Jerry has worked his ass off on this project and this week he’s putting on the door/drawer fronts. Last week he finished the boxes for the sides of the main counter. That brick was intimidating to everyone who came to give a bid but Jerry made it seem effortless. Those cabinets went in like butter! Who knows, maybe he used a little butter to slide those suckers in. (lauging) I believe he was saving the hard part for last, as I wanted a very specific look for the cabinets. I knew I wanted slab fronts and a full overlay on the doors and drawers, which means that the frames will basically not show leaving only a 1/8″ gap between each drawer and door. This means LOTS of brain work for Jerry getting each and every bit measured perfectly. It blows your mind to think about everything involved in the making of this. WELL, HE PULLED IT OFF! Boy, did he. They are absolutely beautiful and EXACTLY what I wanted and needed.

DAMN, those are some straight lines!

Below is the cabinet that replaced that old indoor cooker. The lower shelf is for my microwave, then open display, then closed cabinets, and open display at the top. I have some really lovely Russel Wright dishes to display. Richie will extend that header over the stove/sink area across the top. It turned out so great!!!!

This big daddy drawer means a lot to me. It’s a sort of dead space below where the cooker use to be and now it’s a place for us to put recycling bins. I LOVE THAT!

(is it obvious that I’m overjoyed :-)

The cabinet over the fridge is HUGE and will give SO much storage with an adjustable shelf. HAPPY ME!

Obviously the work is going to continue for several more weeks, as I am the “finisher” of this project. That means Stacey has to stain and seal all of them. It’s a big job. You can see in a few of the pictures about that I’ve already started to stain some of them. Stained wood is not my preference AT ALL, but Richie wants it stained and its my turn to give him what he wants. In the end it will be great, I know.

Being such a small kitchen there’s really no place to put your trash… so I asked for a trash drawer directly across from the sink. Jerry delivered with this great looking drawer with bins.

The counter tops are coming very soon. They come on Wednesday to make the template and are scheduled to install this Friday. Lets home the “finisher” (me!) is ready. I’m working like crazy to get this done by Friday. (fingers crossed).

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4 thoughts on “The Rolling Stones were half right

  1. Karen, Eichler Owner

    What beautiful grain on the wood cabinets! What type of wood is it? The stain is a great color too. Drool! We will embark on our kitchen reno soon; this is so inspirational! Thanks!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Thank you, Karen! I get so confused about the wood. The cabinetmaker used two types — Beech and Birch. He used one for the boxes themselves and the other for the doors and drawers. I can’t ever remember which. I think it’s birch for the fronts. Sorry but I get confused with the “B” woods. HA HA!
      Good luck with your project. Thanks for looking.

      1. Karen

        Birch or beech. All lovely wood and you can tell!

        Would you mind if I use some of your kitchen photos on one of my next posts talking about my kitchen planning? I will of course link back and tell everyone about all your amazing projects on your blog as well. I’m both so excited and dreading (the stress) of our kitchen remodel. But seeing your end state gives me hope my husband and I will get to the other side .

        1. Stacey Post author

          Of course! That would be so nice. I totally understand the “dread”… but it’s all so worth it. Being without a sink and counter space was hard but you always find a way through it and then you’re left with something so wonderful! It’ll be over before you know it and you’ll forget the stress and appreciate the space even more. HAVE FUN! I know it’ll be beautiful.

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