New Fence Prep

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We’re getting ready to replace the old, rotten, falling down fences in the backyard but there are issues as always. The fence along the back probably wouldn’t be in such bad shape if the neighbor in back kept their jasmine for growing on it for years. It literally took over the fence and was pulling it down. It constantly stayed wet.. and well.. you know what happens then. ROT! So a new fence is on the way.  (probably June)
Richie had to get permission from then neighbor to go into their yard and completely clean out all the CRAP that was growing on the fence and along the bottom of it. It took him 2 afternoons to do it all. Once that is done it will be easier to remove the old fence and prepare the area for the new. The work is never done.  But it already looks better.  (click image to enlarge)

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