Guest Room Door FIX

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It’s been a busy three days but I’m checking things off my weekend “to do” list.

 Finish Guest Bedroom Door

That darn door just wouldn’t go back up after I finished painting it. There were gaps around the door and it wouldn’t shut all the way, as it was TOO tight at the hinged side. Again, old house, old door, new plan.

We carefully removed the door stops on the outside of the door.
The picture shows the door closed and the stop off.  See how far away the edge of the stop was from the door.  Huge GAP! (the tip of my finger)

We then installed a new doorknob so we could shut the door and put the stops back on so they would fit closer to the door.  A much better fit, indeed.

Just a little touch up paint and the door was done.  Opens and shuts like it was new.  :-)  It wasn’t that bad, really.  Just about everything in this house is like that.  You THINK it will go a certain way and you always have to tweak or change something.  It’s all about “workin’ it out”.  (sigh)

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2 thoughts on “Guest Room Door FIX

  1. ScrapAndSalvage

    okaaaaaaaay. so i’m stalking your blog for more inspiration and i came across this post, which is dope. i love the colors, the lines and how well the door simplistically compliments the art. very nice indeed! you certainly have an eye. okay, off to look for more posts. sorry if gush all over your posts tonight….

  2. Stacey Post author

    Oh goodness, I sometimes forget that I did that to the door! Those old doors were in such bad shape but I couldn’t toss them so I got a little creative. It was fun. I did one in the bathroom too.
    This is the kind of stuff I need to make more time for! (sigh) Where does the time go!
    Thanks for looking!

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