Color Explosion

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I know, I know, what’s so great about flowers. The thing is I LOVE THEM! So let me apologize for anyone who reads our blog regularly… I’m obsessed …. and you’ll see more than your share. I plant flowers everywhere in my yard and I’m always amazed at how big and beautiful they get. I never thought I had a green thumb, but apparently it’s got some color to it… just like my yard. It’s also amazing that we’re in the middle of one of one of the worst droughts in Texas and it just hasn’t affected these plants. Trust me, I don’t water them that much. [ there’s MORE, after the jump below ]

I’ve had this plant for 4 years and it’s never done this.  I almost tossed it this spring but thought I’d give it one more try.  Patience. brings you RED FLOWERS!

Marigolds and Society Garlic

My real reason for these pictures is that I’m actually going to have to dig up some plants that aren’t doing well and move some things around so I was out in the yard today planning my attack (3 day weekend coming!) and noticed how everything was just so pretty. You have to pause in life and take these things in, ya know. Its joyful.

Pincushions, Salvia, Marigolds, and Blood Red Sedum

Pink Guara
All my neighbors in the “hood” stop and ask me what this is. It’s going nuts with pink flowers.  It’s a perennial so it comes back year after year.

Vinca – Red and White
These love hot and dry.  When they start to look a little sad, just throw ’em water and they perk right up.


This is a great bush because it loves the heat and sun and you can trim it to keep it a certain size and every time you trim it, more blooms greet you.

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2 thoughts on “Color Explosion

  1. Katharine Orgain

    I think you are living in the house Rex lived in? My mother’s house is 2 down toward 23rd. Our house was always “the second jungle on the left” when we gave directions to our house. Mama died March of ’08 and her house sold last summer. I think they are making it their own, which makes me happy. It was a great neighborhood to grow up in!

    1. agoodehouse Post author

      Hi Katharine. Yes, this was Rex and Ruth’s house. And it TOO was a “jungle on the left”! It’s really a great neighborhood and we knew the Goode’s, so are just thrilled to own this home. We moved from the “historic district” area of town where we fixed a house there too. This house has been a TON of work and we’re doing EVERYTHING ourselves… which makes it slow,… but rewarding. I think I know which house you lived in (2 down) and yes, they’re doing their own thing and have completely cleared the front yard and just planted all new sod about a month ago. We’ve all been so busy in this little “hood”. Thanks so much for saying “HI” ….. we’ll be doing lots more in the coming months.

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