Twenty-One Years Ago

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Hard to believe that 21 years ago today Richie and I tied the knot! This wedding picture made me laugh and cry a little too. We look like babies!
Richie claims that he looks exactly the same. Okay, I think he’s delusional. This house renovation has made him lose his mind. He’s still cute, though. Delusional, but cute. And he’s good with tools!  Check out his eyes… he’s was drunk and nervous.  I was just nervous… drunk came later.  All kidding aside, it was just the beginning of what has been a fun-filled, adventurous, life together.  He always remembers our anniversary and I always forget!  But today I remembered with with SO MUCH APPRECIATION for all he is and all he’s given me.

It’s amazing that he’s put up with me for that long… but somebody has to paint this house so he can’t leave me yet! (laughing)

Today was a nice… we spend our anniversary in the bedroom (oooo lah lah!)
He’s building me a very SEXY closet and I’m painting the ceilings and working on sheetrock. Come on, that’s pretty romantic, right? I guess after 21 years the answer for us is YES. I’m off work this week and hope to make some progress in the master bedroom. I’ll keep you posted… so far so good.

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