I needed a custom size carpet for this dining room and Flor carpets were the best solution. I also used them down the hallway. They’re fun, easy, and your design options are ENDLESS!

I needed a custom size carpet for this dining room and Flor carpets were the best solution.  I also used them down the hallway.  They're fun, easy, and your design options are ENDLESS!

I needed a custom size carpet for this dining room and Flor carpets were the best solution. I also used them down the hallway. They’re fun, easy, and your design options are ENDLESS!

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4 thoughts on “I needed a custom size carpet for this dining room and Flor carpets were the best solution. I also used them down the hallway. They’re fun, easy, and your design options are ENDLESS!

  1. Polly Johnson

    Isn’t the Flor concept fabulous? I went to their store for the first time today. I could not believe the possibilities presented for all sorts of unique and creative combinations.

    I was thinking of your dining room rug when I was there. You did a beautiful job in creating it . It just makes the whole room “pop”, as they say much too frequently these days!

    1. agoodehouse

      Hi Polly. Was the store just wonderful? I read they were opening one in Houston and I can’t wait to visit. I just got their recent catalog last week and some of the rooms and designs they feature are so amazing. Having such dark floors I knew I needed mostly white and I only wanted a tiny drop of red in the carpet. Try to find that somewhere! HA! Impossible. Flor was a great option. It’s fun and overwhelming to think of all the possible designs. I also put them down our super long hallway. My only beef with the product is that once you lay it and stick it all together there’s no moving it unless you take it all apart. It’s so stiff you can’t roll it up like other carpets. It’s one big unruly piece. But otherwise I love them. Are you considering some for your project? You’re so lucky to be so close to all the wonderful shops. I’m jealous! -Stacey

  2. Polly Johnson

    Stacey , I would like to ask some questions about the Flor squares. Do they stay stuck together okay? Does the whole carpet stay in place on the floor? Is it possible to vacuum them without any problems?

    Hope you have success in completing whatever this week-end’s project(s) may be!

    1. agoodehouse

      Hi Polly.
      The little sticky squares (flor dots) that connect the corners are REALLY sticky but they can shift. I’ve noticed that most of the shifting occurs on carpets that I’ve made that are very narrow (like the hallway and door mat runner) The dining room one seems to be staying together fine but then again it’s got a table and chairs over it so it doesn’t really get a lot of “traffic”. Everything stays in place… and again… the bigger the carpet you create the better it stays down. I’ve never had problems vacuuming. I have a Dyson and it sucks like crazy (In a good way, HA!) I would recommend to anyone wanting flor to get plenty of extra “dots” and stick way more of them then they recommend. What I mean is … don’t just use them in corners, use them on all the sides too. EVERYWHERE. I have had to readjust the hallway ones and stick them on all the sides. Since then I’ve had no more problems with the squares pulling away from each other. Another bit of advice – once they’re stuck together don’t move the carpet or try to fold any part of it.

      Gosh, I hope I don’t come off as discouraging. I don’t mean to. The squares were such a great option for the problems that I faced in those areas. They really were a wonderful solution. Would I buy them again for another room? Honestly… only if it were an area that didn’t get lots of traffic. Otherwise, no. Also, when you really start to add up the number of squares you need to do a space, compared to buying a rug… its pretty darn expensive. Well, I guess all rugs are expensive, aren’t they?

      Hope that helps. I’m about to get on a ladder :-) have a great weekend!

      – Stacey

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