The old wall in the dining room was like paper. It was obviously just for looks and separation of rooms but you can literally push it with your hands and was so thin there was no room for electrical outlets. Richie and his dad built this new wall and outlets and cable were installed for dining and guest room. It’s a sturdy one!

The old wall in the dining room was like paper.  It was obviously just for looks and separation of rooms but you can literally push it with your hands and was so thin there was no room for electrical outlets.  Richie and his dad built this new wall and outlets and cable were installed for dining and guest room.  It's a sturdy one!

The old wall in the dining room was like paper. It was obviously just for looks and separation of rooms but you can literally push it with your hands and was so thin there was no room for electrical outlets. Richie and his dad built this new wall and outlets and cable were installed for dining and guest room. It’s a sturdy one!

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