The stump is gone and all the roof support beams have been replaced. Richie and his dad replaced each beam as seen in photo and welded new metal pieces that hold them to the new footings, which they poured. We had to dig out all that extra dirt and dumped 3 truck loads of rock for draining. I still need to stain back of fence.

The stump is gone and all the roof support beams have been replaced.  Richie and his dad replaced each beam as seen in photo and welded new metal pieces that hold them to the new footings, which they poured.  We had to dig out all that extra dirt and dumped 3 truck loads of rock for draining.  I still need to stain back of fence.

The stump is gone and all the roof support beams have been replaced. Richie and his dad replaced each beam as seen in photo and welded new metal pieces that hold them to the new footings, which they poured. We had to dig out all that extra dirt and dumped 3 truck loads of rock for draining. I still need to stain back of fence.

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