The french drains on the east and west side of the house are “suppose” to work like a dream… unfortunately they were all broken and clogged up with leaves, dirt, and tons of rocks so every time it rained the sides of the house turned into swimming pools. It was really a serious problem. So Richie snaked out all the drain lines, dug up each box, replaced the box and raised them.

The french drains on the east and west side of the house are "suppose" to work like a dream... unfortunately they were all broken and clogged up with leaves, dirt, and tons of rocks so every time it rained the sides of the house turned into swimming pools.  It was really a serious problem.  So Richie snaked out all the drain lines, dug up each box, replaced the box and raised them.

The french drains on the east and west side of the house are “suppose” to work like a dream… unfortunately they were all broken and clogged up with leaves, dirt, and tons of rocks so every time it rained the sides of the house turned into swimming pools. It was really a serious problem. So Richie snaked out all the drain lines, dug up each box, replaced the box and raised them.

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