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Not really what this blog is about… and yet it’s everything!
There would be no blog, no house, no life like ours, if we didn’t have each other.
After 22 years… I’m glad you didn’t throw me under the bus!

Happy Anniversary!  xox


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43 thoughts on “22

    1. Stacey Post author

      You have been super sweet to me this week. Thank you so much!!!! I love your comments and always glad to have you visit. :-)

    1. Stacey Post author

      Thanks Kim! I swear I should be thinking about how happy I am he’s put up with me for 22 years… but all I can think about our wooden glove forms! (is that wrong?) LOL

  1. curt

    You know it’s true love if you can renovate a house and still stay married. All the best! Now, back to work!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Amen, mister! The sign of one tough bond! I know many who take that on and don’t make it out in one piece. Thankfully we’re still hanging on. Oh course the master bathroom is next… so there could be trouble in paradise soon. I’ll keep you posted. HA HA HA!
      Back to work, indeed. We don’t know what else to do. :-)

      1. Alex @ northofseven

        HAHAHAHA! On a side note I was totally thinking when you wrote I know this isn’t a blog about this (aka the anniversary) but it is!! It’s your blog b/c you do live in the home. Therefore it can also evolve to be about the individuals that live there. You know, blogs evolve. I wonder where I read that before? *whistles*

        1. Stacey Post author

          I believe some wise woman said that once. Her wisdom echoes through the valley and all who flock to read her words now live by them. True story… I’m proof! LOL

    1. Stacey Post author

      Thank you, Meghan! After 22 years we just acknowledge the day with one of those smiles that says “we made it” … and nobody is in jail yet. (giggle)

  2. Storypiece

    Congrats and Happy Anniversary!! We are getting ready to celebrate 19 next week.

    So my gift to you… a little story…

    Over the weekend, we went out to celebrate and we had this exchange with our waitress who was old enough to know better. Well, she was older than me so…

    Server: Which anniversary is this? No! Let me guess…


    Me: Awwww… you just made our day. No, it’s 19.

    Server: Ha! It must be because of HIS baby face.

    WTH?!…. HIS!! Niiiiice.

    Cheers to sharing life with someone who gets you and you can grow old with. Wishing you both many more.

    1. Stacey Post author

      Blahhhh, ha ha ha! That’s a great story. I saw that picture of you in your glasses…. that woman was probably jealous that you looked so good!
      Congrats on 19 years. I really consider this a serious accomplishment, as marriage (long term) is not something you have any idea about when you’re young. It’s sounds dreamy and “movie like”… but it’s more like an E-tv True Hollywood Story. Oh the drama!

      Oh, he gets me… more than I get myself. It’s maddening! I’m afraid we’re stuck with each other. When I was thinking about getting married I remember my grandmother asking me “can you imagine your life without him”? If the answer is no… then you better marry him. So I did… and knew it would never be dull.
      And boy was I right!

      Thanks for this. So sweet.

      1. Storypiece

        You have one smart grandma! Congrats again. I’d tell you I hope he gets you jewelry, but he did build you a bed TWICE, so I guess he did good already. :)

  3. the home tome

    Aww! Congratulations!

    Cel-e-brate good times, come on! Hope you are going to go out on the town for juice and jubilation…and perhaps score some more vintage swag on the trip to or fro…

    Cool bus sign! Cool house! Cool couple! Cool blog. :)

    1. Stacey Post author

      Thanks! Richie, Kool and the Gang, and I celebrated by eating a sandwich and painting the outside of the house! SEXY, I know! The gang spilled paint all over the sidewalk which wasn’t Kool… so we continued our celebrating without them. They were like…. “hey, everything’s gonna be alright” (ha ha ha!) okay,okay, I’ll stop.

      I wish a cool gang of painter would show up for my anniversary… now that would be better than diamonds.

      Thanks, friend… you’re so sweet!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Oh that’s wonderful! Eight is a good number.. congratulations! Yes, time flies and the longer we’re married the faster it goes —- And so does my eye sight and his hearing… so we’re doing good!

      I cannot tell a lie, especially to YOU. We ate a sandwich and painted the house. I’m sweaty, itching from mosquito bites, and I have paint all over me… but it was the best evening ever!!! We even cranked up some Ornette Coleman SUPER loud to piss off the neighbors… it was a giggle we both enjoyed! (simple shits!)

      Thanks Victoria!

  4. ScrapAndSalvage

    what a great post! your sense of humor is impeccable. :) i’m so glad you guys have each other, inspire each other, create with each other and share all those great things with us a little. happy anni, stacey and richie! xo

    1. Stacey Post author

      Awwwww, you make me smile!! I know it’s silly to post that… but honestly the man is a saint to put up with me. I’m sure there were times he wanted to not just throw me under the bus but in front of one. I can be difficult!
      (gasp!.. what — no!)

      He’s a good guy… and he makes pretty beds. (ha ha!) It’s been a fun 22. Thanks Tamara!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Pretty happy day, my friend. We tried really hard not to yell at each other all day. (it was torture!) Ha Ha Ha! kidding.
      Seriously, thanks for the wishes…. 22 is 2 good numbers together to make lots of good years. He’s fun!

  5. Seat12

    I am really happy for you. You are one of the nicest boggers in all of WordPress! I am thinking that your creativity with your home must spill over into your creativity with your relationship as well.

    1. Stacey Post author

      That is the nicest comment I’ve ever received! You made me blush and smile. Thanks so much. Our relationship is hummm…. very…. creative. I have to come up with creative ways to stay sane and not kill him. Ha Ha Ha! I’m no picnic so he’s a saint. We have fun… always. Thank you for this!!


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